Brush Versus Lens – Ultra-Realistic paintings by Patrick Kramer

Patrick Kramer is a painter by profession and a perfectionist by nature. It’s no wonder he got drawn to realism where everything and to be ‘just right’ in order for it to be convincing. As his technique and style improved, his work started putting photographs to shame. After all, oil paints doesn’t pixelate when you look at it closely. Bu why paint when you can simply click? In response to this question, he said: “I came to realize that the appeal of representational painting since the advent of photography is due in a large part to the painting process. Although the image itself may come to resemble an ordinary photograph, a psychological intensity can be felt in the handmade work, as the artist’s laboriously slow method, intense concentration, and myriad of artistic decisions lie behind the creation of the image. In my work, I hope the viewer senses this tension between photography and the handmade — the instantaneous and the prolonged, the ubiquitous and the unique, the impartial and the personal.”












Go to his website.