LOLcats of Yore – Animal Photography by Harry Whittier Frees
Harry Whittier Frees is an American photographer who may arguably be the father of the modern LOLcat. Harry began his career in photography when, at a birthday party, a paper hat fell on a cat’s head and Harry took a quick picture. He sold his photo to a postcard printer who asked for more of the same. When Harry realized the demand for animal shots, he started taking pictures in earnest, complete with costume and props. His cats, Rag and Fluff, were his most frequent subjects but he was not above borrowing a few neighborhood pets to complete a scene. He says: “These unusual photographs of real animals were made possible only by patient, unfailing kindness on the part of the photographer at all times.”. He also added that “Speed is essential in securing these pictures, but very often it is impossible to be quick enough. Young animals cannot hold a pose any better than human babies, and the situation is complicated when they are called on to be precocious in situations naturally foreign to them.”
Find out more about Harry here.