Lost, Found, and Forgotten – Sculptures by The Talented Mr. Finch
Mr. Finch is an autodidact whose specialty is creating woodland flora and fauna out of bits and pieces of ‘found objects’. He painstakingly crafts his work in a studio full of glass jars, books, and naughty cats. Mr. Finch lives and works in Yorkshire in close proximity to rolling hills and mossy woods where he gathers inspiration for his creations. He said: “It’s a joy to hunt for things for my work…the lost, found and forgotten all have places in what I make. Most of my pieces use recycled materials, not only as an ethical statement, but I believe they add more authenticity and charm. Velvet curtains from an old hotel, a threadbare wedding dress and a vintage apron become birds and beasts, looking for new owners and adventures to have. Storytelling creatures for people who are also a little lost, found and forgotten…”
Take a look at his website.