Ten Below Zero – Bubble Photography by Angela Kelly

“You’re never too old to play with bubbles.” – This is the life lesson that photographer Angela Kelly taught her 7-year-old son when they went gallivanting around blowing bubbles in their back yard when the sudden cold snap hit Washington. At temperatures hovering around -9°C to -12°C, water turned almost instantly into ice upon contact with outside air. In an inter view with KOMO News, Angela said: “We noted how they would freeze completely before the sun rose but that once the sun was in view they would defrost along the tops or cease freezing altogether. We also noted how they would begin to deflate and implode in on themselves making them look like alien shapes or in some cases shatter completely leaving them to look like a cracked egg.” She also added, that “This is the most fun, unique and beautiful series I’ve done yet!”










Check out her website!