The Bear and the Maiden Fair – Awe Inspiring Photography by Katerina Plotnikova
In this digital age, viewers can be forgiven of they happen to think that the image above is a product of digital image manipulation. Katerina Plotnikova, the Russian photographer responsible for the image, does nothing in half measures. That’s a full-grown bear up there, making friends with a very brave and beautiful young model. It’s one thing to photograph a wild animal, another thing altogether to do it without supervision. Throughout the shoot, the animals’ trainers kept a close eye on their charges. The result is a rather impressive image that evokes an air of mysticism and enchantment. I’m also rather impressed by the fact that Katerina’s human subjects manage to exude a dignified, regal air while posing with bears, snakes, tigers, foxes, and other creatures not exactly known for their timidity.
Take a look at her site.