Small Adventures – Street Sculptures by Joe Iurato
Joey Iurato is a New Jersey-based artist who is the man responsible for various tiny wooden figures casually posing in public. A turtle-riding toddler, a couple of strumming guitar players, and a few graffiti makers caught in the act – these are but a few of Joe’s creations you might stumble upon in Manhattan. In an Interview with Brooklyn Street Art, he said: “The subjects vary, but they’re all very personal – they sort of tell the story of my life in stages. From break dancing to skateboarding to rock climbing to becoming a father, all of these things have helped define my character.” He also added: “My art is nothing more than the exploration and documentation of personal experiences. It is the questions I have, the conclusions drawn, and the love, disgust, joy, and sadness I feel. I paint what I know or what I wish to understand.”
Have a look at his website.