Meticulous Ink Drawings by Ben Sack

Ben Sacks weapon of mass construction is a black 0.05 Staedtler liner pen. Detailed drawings are nothing new in the art world but imagine making one nearly four meters in circumference! One of his latest work, ‘A Single Note’ took dozens of pens and months to complete. He loves creating highly detailed urban landscapes based heavily on European cities, Gothic structures, and a big dash of science fiction. Of his work, he said: “Life in dreamy antiquity was often a heroic struggle. Though the societies of antiquity were bloody, dirty and corrupt the idea of antiquity has come to represent some resounding ideals in present society; democracy, justice, law and order, balance, symmetry. These ideals are now the foundation stones of our own civilization, a civilization that some distant future will perhaps honor as antiquity.”











Have a look at his website.