cat Archive
Doodling is something most people do to pass the time. Usually learned at school to combat boredom, doodles can be found at the margins of books or in the very last pages of notebooks. Some carry the habit well into adulthood, while a few turn doodling into a form of art. Kerby Rosales is one […]
Pin It Elena Shumilova is a mother first and photographer second, but she simply can’t resist snapping these heartwarming shots of her boys bonding with their pets. Elena got her first camera in 2012 and she hasn’t stopped shooting with them ever since. When capturing her subjects on camera, she prefers natural light for both […]
Pin It Harry Whittier Frees is an American photographer who may arguably be the father of the modern LOLcat. Harry began his career in photography when, at a birthday party, a paper hat fell on a cat’s head and Harry took a quick picture. He sold his photo to a postcard printer who asked for […]
Pin It Mike Mitchell is an L.A.-based artist has created dramatic portraits of famous movie characters. His series entitled “The Portrait Show” was recently on display at the Mondo Gallery at Texas. It features icons such as Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill), The Joker (Tim Burton’s Batman), Dr. Emmett Brown (Back to the Future), Dorothy (Wizard […]
Pin It Anne Patzke is a talented German illustrator who specializes in creating adorable characters for children’s books. One of her first and most enduring cartoon character is a bunny girl named ‘Kulla’. Kulla gets to have all sorts of adventures in Anne’s very own comic strip. All of her characters (kittens, a penguin, an […]
Pin It Christy Lewis is an award-winning face and body painter from Kapiti Coast, Wellington, New Zealand. Anyone can draw a pug nose and a few side whiskers and call the result a cat, but Christy takes this children’s art to the next level. Her work is simply exquisite and given that her clientelle are usually […]
Pin It In 1963, Andy Prokh was born in the small rural town of Ural in Russia. He is an economist by profession but was always a photographer at heart. He started engaging in professional photography around seven years ago. His favorite subjects are himself, his daughter Katya, and his cat Tom. Katya and Tom […]
Pin It Petrykivka is a style of painting which originated from the small Ukrainian Petrykivka village. This style of painting utilizes thousands of small brushstrokes, blending together to present a seemingly seamless element within the painting. The brush used for these paintings are in themselves unique, being hand-made from cat hair. Olena Skytsiuk, a renowned […]
Pin It Dutch photographer Mattijn Franssen creates surreal worlds filled with castles, mountains, and desolation. He explores them all with his cat by his side. He started with drawings, proceeded to illustrations, and finally took a look behind a lens in 2004. Barely a year into photography, he tried his hand at digital manipulation and […]