Dogs Archive
Illustrator and explorer John Stortz takes his pet dog Wolfgang, also known as Wolf, as his traveling companion across America. The result? Stunning photos of Wolf in their destinations. Yes, you read that right. John is primarily an illustrator but the photos of his canine friend in his Instagram account is getting a lot of […]
Pin It Sebastian Magnani took a great deal of pictures of dogs and their humans in a a series he called “Underdog”. Not surprisingly, most of the dogs resemble their owners, or maybe vice versa. All it took was a little bit of clever digital manipulation, a couple of wigs, and viola: a human-canine look-alike. […]
Pin It Despite not having any formal training in photography, Mark Taylor takes some of the cutest animal pictures I’ve ever seen. All of the animals he uses are untrained and most of them are very young. This way, they’re more likely to get along with each other. To ensure that no fur will fly, […]
Pin It Some dog owners just love playing fetch with their dogs, but what happens if the ball happens to fall into the water? Are the dogs happy about that? Seth Casteel, with his high-speed camera, reveals the hideous answer to this question by taking photos of them underwater while they go for that ball […]
Pin It Author of bestselling books Shelter Dogs (2006) and Street Dogs (2007) and photographer from Rhode Island Traer Scott shows us emotive portraits of what is generally known as man’s best friend.