face Archive

Definitions of Beauty by Esther Honig

Pin It Esther Honig is an American photographer and journalist who wondered about the different standards of beauty around the world. To get an idea, she sent her photo to a bunch of freelance Photoshoppers from around the world with one instruction: Make me beautiful. The results vary from barely edited to wildly Photoshopped. She […]

Cute Up Close – Arachnid Macrophotography by Jimmy Kong

Pin It If eyes are windows to the soul, then spiders are basically leaking soul right out of their eyes. Spiders are universally feared, for their bite, hairiness, and overabundance of legs. But seen through a macro lens, these poisonous, hairy, eight-legged critters are actually quite cute. These close-ups of unexpectedly adorable arachnids are the […]

Head Over Feet – Unusual Poses by Patrice Letarnec

Pin It Patrice Letarnec is a French art director and photographer who took the phrase “head over heels” a little bit too seriously. A quick glance at his photos might make one think that he was using headless models. It isn’t until you take a closer second look that you realized that his models are […]

Handmade Pixels – Portraits by Alexander Khokhlov and Valeriya Kutsan

Pin It Alexander Khokhlov is a Moscow based photographer who collaborated with make-up artist extraordinaire Valeriya Kutsan to create the series “2D Or Not 2D”. The series features powerful black-and-white designs painted right into the model’s face, as well as colorful designs that pop out and fool the viewer into thinking they’re looking at a […]

Awesome Realistic 3D Characters by Pawel Rebisz

Pin It Pawel Rebisz is a web designer, illustrator, and digital artist who specializes in 3D rendering. What makes him stand out from the mainstream crowd is the amazing amount of detail he puts into each and everyone of his characters. Zoom in close and you’ll see the character’s wrinkles, freckles,  and even individual pores. […]

Shadow Worlds – Installations by Herbert Baglione

Pin It Herbert Baglione is a street artist who loves creeping people out. While visiting an abandoned psychiatric hospital in Italy, Baglione grabbed the opportunity to paint his signature shadow people on the walls and floors of the facility as part of his 1000 Shadows project. Similar silhouettes can be found the world over and […]

Squiggles – Portraits by Vince Low

Pin It Portraits are difficult, but Malaysian artist Vince Low has not only mastered the art of portraiture, he draws them using nothing but a bunch of squiggles. At a glance, they look like rough sketches but they’re actually perfect portraits just as they are. He has drawn, with great accuracy, the portraits of Rowan […]

Birds of Prey – Animal Photos by Allison Falconer

Pin It Allison Falconer, true to her name, is a bird trainer and rehabilitator. She works closely with birds of prey like falcons, hawks, and owls in a bird center in Florida. Due to the nature of her work, she gets a lot of opportunity to take up-close-and-personal pictures of birds. It’s not easy to […]

Baby Butterflies – Facepaintings by Christy Lewis

Pin It Christy Lewis is an award-winning face and body painter from Kapiti Coast, Wellington, New Zealand. Anyone can draw a pug nose and a few side whiskers and call the result a cat, but Christy takes this children’s art to the next level. Her work is simply exquisite and given that her clientelle are usually […]

Colors All Around – Advertising Images by Mahmoud Hassan

Pin It Mahmoud Hassan lives and works in Nasr City, Egypt. One of his more recent projects is a series of images for Faber-Castell’s line of coloring pencils where various objects and animals are seamlessly fused with colored-pencil tips. All of the images are rather amusing but the one where the Dachshund’s rear end is […]

The Other Half – Portraits by Roman Sakovich

Pin It Roman Sakovich is the London-based photographer who conceived, produced, and shot the series “Half” while still a photography student at the Arts University College in Bournemouth. Roman wanted to show the devastating effects of drug abuse and provide a vivid contrast with a clean-cut version of the same person. He had the right […]

Creative Lip Photography by Nikos Vasilakis

Pin It Lips can actually have that enticing character apart from any other part of the face, which can offer either a paragraph of a story or a thousand words in each shot. This is probably being the reason Nikos Vasilakis chose it as a subject in one of his portfolios. With these models getting […]

Still Paintings by Jeff Ramirez

Pin It Candid shots of people and common daily objects are most of the models in the paintings of Jeff Ramirez of Los Angeles, California. There is a wide range of possible still artworks that could be made from millions of the things we see everyday, and the artist takes the brush to give it […]

Face Photomosaics – MosaicYourself

Pin It MosaicYourself – Be part of the picture MosaicYourself makes photomosaics from the faces found in your picture library using facial recognition. So the tiles of the resulting mosaic are the faces of the people on your pictures!! Isn’t that amazing? Visit us at www.MosaicYourself.com. Visit our image gallery at www.MosaicYourself.com/image-gallery.