fox Archive
Pin It Torgeir Berge is the devoted human of an uber friendly German shepherd named Tinni. As the two were taking their accustomed afternoon walk in the woods, they met an abandoned baby fox. Surprisingly, instead of having the baby fox for an afternoon snack, Tinni made friends with it. The incident inspired Torgeir to […]
Pin It Roeselien Raimond has a passion for nature photography. In her series “Fox in the Snow”, she has has given us small glimpses of the day-to-day life of the most secretive of nature’s creatures. She has captured foxes at play, grooming one another, hunting, swimming, and dozing in the autumn sun. She said: “I’m […]
Pin It Skia is crazy about foxes. She describes herself as fox addicted. Unsurprisingly, most of her illustrations feature her favorite animal but there is a couple that doesn’t involve a fox. As a child, she was the leader of a gang called “Die schlauen Füchse” (The clever Foxes). Furthermore, the initials of her real […]