impressive Archive
Pin It Jens Fersterra is a German photographer who has an unerring eye for urban photography. All of his shots capture the grandeur and majesty of each modern-day metropolis. He combines the mood, lighting, and angle perfectly. My favorite ones are those he did in black and white, adding an imposing feel to these modern-day […]
Pin It Andrew Osokin is a Russian photographer who loves capturing close-up shots of snowflakes. With all that snow in Moscow, it’s easy enough for him to pick and choose a subject. His camera of choice is a Nikon D80 and a Nikon D90 DSLR fitted with a 60mm or 90mm macro lens. Some of […]
Pin It There is no conceivable angele where you can look at Bruno Catalano’s bronze sculptures and see a complete figure. All of the of them have mastered the trick of holding on to a piece of luggage so they can support their hollowed-out upper halves. All of the sculptures are part of Bruno’s series […]
Pin It Vivi Mac is an astoundingly creative portrait artist who loves capturing her subjects with whatever foodstuff happens to be handy. She has done President Barack Obama in brown sugar, Martin Luther King in coffee, Michael Jackson in milk, and Yoda in green chewing gum. She has also used caramel sauce, barbecue sauce, crushed […]
Pin It Portraits are difficult, but Malaysian artist Vince Low has not only mastered the art of portraiture, he draws them using nothing but a bunch of squiggles. At a glance, they look like rough sketches but they’re actually perfect portraits just as they are. He has drawn, with great accuracy, the portraits of Rowan […]
Pin It Zhang Xiangxi has turned old TVs into an impressive work of art. His series “Chinese Perspective” gives us glimpses of the artist’s life. He creates extremely detailed dioramas of scenes from his life inside the old television sets. Zhang has replicated his parent’s sitting room, the workers’ dormitory he once lived in, his […]
Pin It David Olenick’s art combines clever wordplay with cute imagery to create entertaining illustrations a lot of people would want to wear. David finds the funny side of everything from lame excuses, bad decisions, to basic human behavior. You can almost forgive his nasty puns (An adorable hornet saying “Me So Hornet”) when he […]
Pin It Olga Melamory Larionova, a.k.a. FairyARTos, is a Russian artist whose realistic drawings put photographs to shame. She does most of her work with pens but her pencils are just as impressive, if not more so. Her drawings create a certain emotional pull within the viewers, urging them to look at her work a […]
Pin It Job Van Der Molen has created his own private army complete with ground and air troops. Job is a taxidermist who has artfully weaponized his preserved insects. Bazooka-bees, dragon-copters, and a few missile-launching beetles are all part of his very own insect army. The detailed drawings for each of tiny, deadly critter is […]
Pin It Balancing rocks is something we do as bored kids. Bill Dan has turned this child’s pastime into art. Seemingly impossible art. Bill is a rock balancing artist whose primary medium is stone riprap found in the coastlines of his hometown in San Fransisco. His sculptures consist of rocks balanced on top of each […]
Pin It David Edwards describes himself as a full-time miniaturist. He has been pursuing his craft since 1983 and now has an impressive collection of teeny, tiny, everyday household objects. Among them are: hairbrushes have real bristles in tufts, combs with teeth accurately scaled, a Victorian breadboard with the word “BREAD” carved in relief, a […]
Pin It Dave Morrow is a photographer first, and a teacher second. He travels the world looking for that perfect shot. His impressive portfolio includes landscapes, cityscapes, and nightscapes. His shots of the night sky in particular, are quite impressive. He has even published a tutorial for the aspiring enthusiast. A hefty bit of the […]
Pin It Songsforever describes herself as a journalist, creative writer, and fractal freak extraordinaire. She loves knitting, science fiction, steampunk. Anything weird, odd, strange, and random are right up her alley. Her gallery of colorful fractals is quite impressive. Fractals are basically detailed patterns that repeats itself. They’re psychedelic, to say the least and a […]
Pin It Hans Findling got into photography in 2010. His started taking pictures with his first camera, a Canon EOS 450D. He has quite an impressive collection of landscapes. Hans puts dramatic angles, mist, and natural lighting to good use. The quality of his shots is that of a professional’s. We can expect more great […]
Pin It Brian Cummings is an experienced director and commercial photographer with more than fifteen years under his belt. He has worked with some of the world’s best photographers and directors on advertising campaigns for several global brands. He stands out with his one-of-a-kind conceptual images and ideas. He specializes in fashion, lifestyle, and editorial […]
Pin It George Patsouras has been passionate about art for as long as he could remember. He started drawing with colored pencils at an early age. He did take several art courses but he’s mostly self-taught. He’s currently a freelance illustrator who does impressive work with Adobe Photoshop CS5 and a a Wacom Intuos3 Tablet.
Pin It Fashion photography is tricky business. You have to make the clothes and look good on the model. Easy enough to say but one can’t simply snap a few pictures of a beautiful model wearing fashionable clothes and be done with it. For each shoot to be perfect, it has to have the right […]
Pin It Tind T. is a silkscreen printer who is just as creative as he is mysterious. I’m assuming the proper pronoun is ‘he’ as I have no reason to believe otherwise. Tind T. has this to say about himself on his Designers Couch account “i swallow inks and i spit prints”. That being said, […]
Pin It Milk, juice, and water are just some of the liquids that talented photographer Alena Nikiforova uses on her female subjects. These sensually daring photos are just some of many in her impressive portfolio. I love the way she captures the splash of the liquid on her subject’s bodies, as well as the innovative […]
Pin It The Millau Viaduct is one of the most impressive civil engineering feats of our time and hold the record of highest bridge in the world with 245m, or 19m higher than the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Spanning almost 2.5km across the River Tarn in the South of France, The Millau Viaduct is also […]
Pin It German photographer Markus Reugels specializes in high-speed photography, and captures water drops with impressive skills. The result is astonishing!
Pin It MosaicYourself – Be part of the picture MosaicYourself makes photomosaics from the faces found in your picture library using facial recognition. So the tiles of the resulting mosaic are the faces of the people on your pictures!! Isn’t that amazing? Visit us at Visit our image gallery at