motion Archive
Pin It “Shake” is Carli Davidson’s latest photo book featuring comical shots of dogs captured in mid-shake. It features a total of 130 high speed photos of 61 dogs in various stages of water-induced shaking. The series was inspired by the photographer’s own dog ‘Norbert’ who happens to be a generous drooler, and vigorous shaker.Carli […]
Pin It Visarute Angkatavanichis the photographer behind these exceptional close-ups of Siamese fighting fish. Scientifically known as betta splendens, they have been selectively bred for over a hundred years for their aggressiveness, color, and finnage. Today’s specimens are a far cry from the drab brown fish found in the rice paddies of Cambodia and Thailand. […]
Pin It Luigi Gallo was near Napoli, Italy in 1993. He studied at “Europa” Institute and got a diploma in graphic design. He’s currently into digital imaging and photo manipulation and his surreal composites have created quite a stir in the web. His subjects are mostly fantastic landscapes presented in a surrealistic. Steampunk loudspeakers, flying […]
Pin It Jonathan Latiano’s installation “Points of Contention” is an explosion of what appears to be crystalline growth from the wooden floorboards of a gallery in the School 33 Art Center in Baltimore. It’s actually made from plastic, PVC pipes, and styrofoam. Its his way of calling into question the continued production of synthetic polymers, […]
Pin It Thanos Tsilis is a Greece based artist who loves to paint dynamic compositions. The subject of his work is rather eclectic and each new one is bound to be a surprise. He somehow manages to fuse realism with a cartoonish style of drawing. Dedicated tourists from the past, lovers, Santa, elves, a Vampire, […]
Pin It Sets for a Film I’ll Never Make is a series of cardboard sculptures made by Melbourne-based artist Daniel Agdag. Each peice is made entirely by hand without detailed plans. The whole thing is strictly improvised. Daniel says it’s like sketching with cardboard. A fine, sharp knife, some wood glue, cardboard, and his […]
Pin It Space is space on it´s own, human is human on it´s own, and the sum of this two elements gives us a manipulated environment in which functionality steps away from meaning and where besides of motion you can still perceive life, because far from and anthropocentric view, a being is the essence of […]
Pin It Nike Savvas is an Australian-born artist who currently works in London. Her installation Atomic: Full of Love, Full of Wonder features rooms full of bouncy rubber balls suspended using transparent nylon string. A fan was focused on the whole colorful array which resulted in a gentle and soothing motion of the balls.
Pin It Martin Klimas is a noted German photographer whose works are noted for capturing unconventional snapshots of everyday objects in motion. He loves to capture the moment of impact. Martin works by trail and error and keeps on tossing objects to the floor until he finds an image that is truly showing him something […]
Pin It Some dog owners just love playing fetch with their dogs, but what happens if the ball happens to fall into the water? Are the dogs happy about that? Seth Casteel, with his high-speed camera, reveals the hideous answer to this question by taking photos of them underwater while they go for that ball […]
Pin It Wildlife photographer Dennis Binda from Netherlands preserves the beauty in both movement and stillness of animals found in the wilderness with perfect angles and timing.