movement Archive
Pin It “Emptying Gestures” is a performance by artist and dancer Heather Hansen. Based in New Orleans, Heather invites her audience to watch her as she draws beautiful symmetrical images on paper using her body. Heather belongs to a new breed of performance artists who produce kinetic illustrations. Heather also has a series of videos […]
Pin It A true artist sees creative potential in everything. Mark Khaisman, a promising artist from Ukraine spotted the potential behind one of the most mundane everyday objects – packing tape. He strategically sticks pieces of packing tape on a plexiglass base. Clever lighting behind the glass highlights the resulting image beautifully. His subjects range […]
Pin It Lucas Foglia didn’t have an ordinary childhood. His parents were part of the “back-to-the land” movement who strove for self-sufficiency. They had a farm where they grew and preserved their own food. They traded their surplus for what they couldn’t grow. He went to the prestigious Yale School of Art where he was […]
Pin It Denis Peterson is one of the pioneers of photorealism in New York. He’s also acknowledged as the founder of Hyperrealism – an artistic segment quite similar to photorealism. Think of it as photorealism on steroids. The difference between the two lies in the work’s color, depth of field, and composition. While photorealism focuses […]
Pin It Jungshan is a freelance illustrator whose simple medium belie the complexity of her inky illustrations. By combining the ancient style of Asian ink illustration with digital art techniques, Junshan succeeded in creating stunningly beautiful images. Her strokes give the illusion of movement and action, something that is not easily achieved using a still […]
Pin It Michael Bosanko is a Cardiff-based artist who has made light painting his specialty. He stumbled upon light painting while taking a picture of the moon with a shaky camera. The long exposure he utilized left streaks in the final image. Curious, he disengaged the camera from the tripod and tried writing his partner’s […]
Pin It Chris Woods uses his own friends as subjects and paints them against a backdrop rife with belligerent branding, pop-culture, and omnipresent advertising. His work has appeared in Naomi Klein’s book No Logo as well as magazines like Saturday Night , and Adbusters. Chris’ painting ‘McDonald’s Nation’ (1996) has become a popular icon of the anti-corporate […]
Pin It Barbara Franc’s latest collection of sculptures is all about colorful tropical birds whose haitat are slowly dwindling due to deforestation. As tribute to them, her sculpturea are made antirely of reclaimed materials like old food tins. She said: “I have always been fascinated by the shapes and sculptural forms of animals, they present […]
Pin It Steampunk as a sub-genre of science fiction that glorifies steam and its possible applications to modern-day technology had electricity not been discovered. German painter Vadim Voitekhovitch;s work is saturated with poignantly anachronistic images of steam-powered dirigibles set in the Victorian era. Realistically drawn, future generations just might think his paintings are historically accurate.
Pin It Movement, grace, sensuality – words that come to mind when looking at Anton Surkov’s yet untitled series featuring dancers perfectly captured while in motion. The liberal use of chalk dust accentuates the outline of the dancers. Well-toned bodies are shown to their best advantage with the contrasting use of light and dark. Judging […]
Pin It The Hamburg ballet also known as the Hamburg State Opera Ballet, is an internationally acclaimed ballet company located in Germany. To boost ticket sales, they launched their “Moving Movements” advertising campaign. Ballet is all about grace, movement and fluidity and the ads look like they were shot with a kaleidoscope and, true to […]